I took advantage of a personal acquaintance (OK, OK, I happen to be on the same email list as her, and I shamelessly played it for all I was worth) to get her opinions on books and music.
On your blog, you cite both The Climb
I really loved Take A Chance On Me while I was querying agents. I found it suited the process perfectly, and added a bit of humor to my insanity. By the time The Climb came out last spring, I had already been turned down by multiple publishing houses and I found as a writer I connected to that song greater than any other. I had hope, I knew I would make it with my series of Austen rewrites, I just needed to be reminded that the climb was important too.Do you ever use music as an inspiration when you write? Have you ever had a song give you an idea for a story?
It depends on the book and my mood at the time. I’ve written 8 complete novels and I’m currently working on 2 more. I haven’t had a song give me an idea, I usually hear a song as I’m writing and really connect with it - feeling as though it’s one of my characters speaking. Once I find that song, I tend to play it softly in the background over and over again as I write the book (sort of a white noise type of thing).Do you have any book/song combinations you like?
Do I? Lol! I have a ton. Currently, I’m working on a book titled Eternity with co-author AJ Cole. He and I both agree that Far Away is perfect for the book.(YouTube links provided by Jenni.)
For my Jane Austen rewrites…
These are the songs that have spoken to me most while recreating the tension/scenes/novel.
Northanger Alibi - Eric Dill, Kidnap My Heart
Pride & Popularity - The Click Five, Just The Girl
Persuaded - Josh Groban, Confession, and Will Young, Leave Right Now
Mansfield Ranch - Taylor Swift, Teardrops On My Guitar, and Taylor Swift, You Belong With Me
You can preorder Northanger Alibi now (the release date is June 1, 2010) but if you preorder an autographed copy from Valor Publishing, you can get it early (May 25, according to Jenni's website.)
Books: Northanger Alibi
Northanger Abbey
Music: The Climb
Take A Chance On Me
Far Away
Just The Girl
My Confession
Leave Right Now
Teardrops On My Guitar
You Belong With Me
Thank you for having me! This was such a fun and unique interview to do!
We had fun, too! Thanks for everything. L)
Great interview! Those Taylor Swift songs you mention are two of my faves...along with Invisible.
I can say Northanger Alibi is DEFINITELY worth the read...I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak!
Jenni,your song should be pocket full of sunshine,cuz thats what you are. such a sweetie! cant wait to read the book! best of luck hon!!
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