Have you read it? Is it good?
A lot of people think so.
**I’m not quite sure how to even begin talking about this book. It’s quite possibly one of the most unique and beautiful love stories I have read, and one of the most haunting. I know most people cringe inwardly when they hear a love story praised, immediately picturing cloying schmaltz and cheap little romantic platitudes, but The Time Traveler’s Wife is anything but.-figgy---
**Henry summarized his love for Clare in a letter to her after they've been for married for many years:---
Clare, I want to tell you, again, I love you. Our love has been the thread through the labyrinth, the net under the high-wire walker, the only real thing in this strange life of mine that I could ever trust. Tonight I feel that my love for you has more density in this world than I do, myself: as though it could linger on after me and surround you, keep you, hold you.Grab a copy of The Time Traveler's Wife and throw yourself headlong into their story. It's time well spent. This is a highly recommended read, and I know it will be a gift I'll offer generously to others on my holiday list this year.-W.R. Greer
**Every so often, a novel lands in my hands as if it fell from the sky -- a happy surprise of literary delights, a book which transports and transfixes me, an original story which creates its own world with what seems like effortless artistry.Admittedly I'm a sap for love stories but not sex stories (HUGE difference). So when I run across a book that might actually deliver it almost always ends up on my wish-list. This is one of them.
Audrey Niffenegger's remarkable debut, The Time Traveler's Wife, is just such a novel. -January Magazine
Maybe I'll check it out at the library next time I'm down there.
Book: The Time Traveler's Wife
I'm curious to see what you think. The movie made me cry cry cry.
I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife yet though it sound good.
Have you heard of the Twilight Piano Series? I found them on i-tunes recently while looking for something else. (That's Twilight as in Vampires) I don't know who wrote them or performs them, but they're really lovely. Really good for writing to! :)
I guess my work involves a little time travel of a different kind. But I don't think you need to apologize: we all need something to look at right now other than oil-soaked pelicans. Sigh....
Second on Shelley. Thumbs up on the book. Thumbs down on the movie.
What a coincidence - this is the very book that I'm about to start reading!
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