I know, from sad experience, that not every book I try to get my kids to read is going to be a hit with them. In fact, they are even going to go so far as to enjoy books that I hate. Can you imagine?! My daughter had the nerve to come home from school two weeks in a row with
Judy Blume books -
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Double Fudge
. (Judy Blume was one of the writers that teachers kept trying to get me to read when I was a teenager. "She
understands your age group!" they'd cry, trying to shove
into my hand. I spent my time working my way through the
Oz books
and re-reading
Lord of the Rings
, instead.)

I'm striking back though! They can hand her Judy Blume at the school library, but I've been quietly indoctrinating her into
here at home, reading a chapter each night for the kids' bedtime story. We're three books in so far, and are taking a break with a copy of
The Littles
that I picked up at a yard sale before going on to Prince Caspian.
Once we're through with Narnia I'm planning to introduce them to
Lucy M. Boston's Green Knowe
books. I've been desperately wanting my own copies, and this is the perfect excuse to get the complete set. My junior high school library had them all (Mrs. Braithwaite, are you out there? Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!) and I couldn't read them fast enough.
And then, when the girls are a little older, we'll start on
Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles
. Oh yes.

Disney princesses have ruled long enough in this house. It's time for a palace revolution! *rubs hands together* *evil chuckle*
"[The dragon] has not
enchanted me, and I do not
want to be rescued by anybody
," Cimorene said, alarmed by the knight's sudden enthusiasm. "This place suits me very well. I like
polishing swords and cooking cherries jubilee and reading Latin scrolls. If you don't believe me, ask anyone in Linderwall. They've been complaining about my un-princesslike behavior for years."
"I did hear something about fencing lessons," the knight said doubtfully, "but knights aren't supposed to pay attention to that kind of thing. We're supposed to be above rumors and gossip."
"The fencing lessons were just the beginning," Cimorene assured him."
That's my kind of princess.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Judy Blume
Double Fudge
Judy Blume
Judy Blume
Judy Blume
Oz series
L. Frank Baum
The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
Chronicles of Narnia
C. S. Lewis
The Littles
John Peterson
Green Knowe
Lucy M. Boston
Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Patricia Wrede
There is so much to read for children. I loved sharing my favourite stories and books with mine. I think you might like this, if you havn't seen it already;
I love it. What a great poster! I think I need to print it out and put it up on my fridge or something. :)
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