This week's question is: How many blogs do you follow?
At the moment, 63 (counting only the blogs I am officially "Following" through Google.) Which isn't that much, by some standards, but I think it's rather a lot. I don't follow indiscriminately. Every blog I am following is one that I really enjoy. Some of them I jump on each new post; a few I only click through to if I see a post that sounds interesting. If I like a blog enough, I'll keep it on my follow list even after months of not seeing any updates. If I find, though, that I haven't bothered to read any new posts for some time, then I'll probably go ahead and delete that blog. I have too little time as it is, and if I need to watch myself carefully so that I don't wind up spending all day reading new blog posts. There is just too much excellent writing out there and I can't read it all - not if I want to have a life, too.
Not that there isn't something to be said for being found, mummified, in front of my computer screen, having died while reading. There are worse ways to go? Oh, stop shaking your heads at me.
Hi there ,
Hopping over via Hop (both!) Lovely blog you have here! Sure to come over again! Happy reading and blogging and have a FABULOUS weekend!
Til next time,
Lisa (Badass Bookie) xx
Hopping by your blog! I am a new follower.
My Love Affair With Books
Just hopping by,
I agree with you about committing to the blogs that you really like. I also really like your blog and how you tie music and books together. I’m following you now.
Happy Friday,
Hopping through and I have to say I LOVE the quote. I'll be back :D
Hi! Found you through the hop, and I'm a new follower. I'm really digging your blog. I love the name, and the quote on the header really speaks to me :)
Have a lovely weekend!
Erika Breathes Books
Hi! just hopping through. Hope you have a great weekend!
Being found mummified in front of a computer screen? O.o Shall I say, story of my future?
Must think happier thoughts! D:
Here's an award for you: the One Lovely Blog Award (find it here! http://audiblecandy.blogspot.com/2010/08/my-first-blog-award.html)
Hello! =) I am a new follower! That's good that you only follow the blogs that you really love! I will follow any blog that reviews YA and has quality posts! =)
Bailey at IB Book Blogging
I wasn't shaking my head. I was smiling.
Stopping by through the Hop! I really enjoyed this post. I'm a new follower :) That's an interesting point you made about being careful about the blogs you follow. Should be everyone's strategy. I find myself overwhelmed sometimes by the many many blogs I follow.
Hi there! Found you through the hop!
I’m a new follower.
If you like, you can visit my blog. My post is here.
Have a nice day!
Stopping by from the hop!
I am now a follower of yours will you please return the favor?
Email: ashleysbookshelf@gmail.com
Check out my blog:
Happy reading!
Ashley's Bookshelf
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