We haven't participated in Parajunkee's Friday Follow before. Naturally I pick the week to join in that the question is "Who do you cheer for?"
And the answer to that would be, "Ummmm, cheer? Isn't that something associated with sports?" Sorry, but the last time I did something like that was my first year of high school, when I joined the official school-club-for-cheering-for-the-school-sports-teams club. My mother bought the sweater and wool miniskirt (which were very expensive) after I promised 17 different ways that I would stay with it, honest, Mom, I will! I lasted through one football game. I have never been so bored in my life. Sports and I - not a couple.
Just a few words to introduce us (if you're thinking of following, it's good to know what you'd be following, right?) We are Cannwin and Jennifer, two sisters who love music and books. This blog is about the ways we put music and books together - the soundtracks that we find and make for the books we like.
Head over to Parajunkee if you want to participate in the Friday Follow! She's got a great blog, so check it out while you're there; also check out this week's featured blogger for Follow Friday, Logan E. Turner.
This week I've been thinking about Robin McKinley's Pegasus
Do you have a book you wish you could get your hands on? Share with us what it is!
Hopping by for follow Friday! Come check out my blog when you get the chance! www.bethebooks.blogspot.com :)
Hopping through. I'm your newest follower. Havean awesome weekend
hi there, hopping through...
Hi there! Thanks for the follow! Following back.
Right now I'm waiting for Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, which I put on hold last week and it still hasn't arrived at my branch. Jerks! :P
Hopping through. I'm not a sports fan either...running is all I'm good at and enjoy.
My Hop
Hello from your newest gfc follower. If you get a moment I would love it if you could stop by and follow my blog.
Old follower hopping by :) I love the new template design! The way I see it, you can cheer for anyone. I cheer for the students I teach every day :D
I'm a new follower! Love to see a fellow blogger so psyched about books and reading.
Would love for you to check out http://teachwithpicturebooks.blogspot.com or http://howtoteachanovel.blogspot.com and consider following me as well.
I like your concept. ~I'm a new follower. Come by and visit me when you can ...would appreciate the follow as well.
Take good care.
Jinky is Reading
I am hopping by from Follow Friday. In terms of sports, I like the Carolina Hurricanes (hockey). My faves are Ward, Staal, Rutuu, Skinner and Sutter. In terms of book boys: Edward, Stefan, Peeta, Ash and LucI’m following you and would love it if you follow me back! Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Who do I cheer for? When I follow sports at all (and that hasn’t been much lately) I follow people and teams who impress and inspire me.
My answers are all over the map (literally!) but all perfectly understandable once explained. Follow me over to my blog and read all about it -
Thank God it’s Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman
I love to cheer on anyone reaching for their dreams! (it's sickly, but true). Just recently I found the most fantastic website Kickstarter.com
if you love helping make people's creative dreams come true, this site is for you. If I was rich I'd go on there every day and just play fairy god mother, but I'm weird that way.
A book I want to get my hands on...hmmmm?...I'd have to choose:
Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages by Guy Deutscher
Finally there are some second hand copies I can afford...I'd love to get my hands on one.
Happy Friday!
I stopped by to say hello for Follow Friday. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I'm looking forward to my baby nephew coming over to see his auntie. :)
I'm a new follower. :)
Romance Book Junkies
New followeer from blog hop and you can always root for my team the PGH STEELERS!!
Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
New Follower :)
If you have a second please have a look at my new blog:
Quick Quotes Quills
Lu from Lu's Bloody Big Book Blog
Old follower! Stop by and say hi if you get a chance!
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