Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Wish-List

Another week, another Friday and I have to admit this weeks Wish-List book caught my eye because of the title:

Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale

Okay... doesn't that sound like a good book?

When you dig a little further past the title you discover the book is a take on a Brother's Grimm fairytale. (I assumed Rapunzel, but the website calls it a "little known fairytale" and I'm pretty sure Rapunzel doesn't fall into that category).

The main character--a maid named Dashti--is exiled to a tower with her mistress where they spend seven years.

From Shannon's website:

"As food runs low and the days go from broiling hot to freezing cold, it is all Dashti can do to keep them fed and comfortable. With the arrival outside the tower of Saren’s two suitors—one welcome, the other decidedly less so—the girls are confronted with both hope and great danger, and Dashti must make the desperate choices of a girl whose life is worth more than she knows."

As you look even further into the book you realize that Shannon Hale is a NY Times best selling author and has written such books as 'Austenland' and 'The Princess Academy'.

The reviews seem good:

"This one is going to create new Shannon Hale fans.  Yes, yes, I know that with each new book the legions grow anyway, but this one is different: It's a fantasy novel that feels more like historical fiction.  The magic in it feels more like the magic of legend, and readers who usually Don't Do Fantasy will be more likely to pick it up."

That's glowing.

So what we have here is a seasoned author, wait... a seasoned NY Times best-selling author, a book with an interesting plot (not to mention a good title) and a remake on an old fairytale.

Sounds like good stuff to me. Where do I get a copy?

Books: Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale
Austenland by Shannon Hale
The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale


Anonymous said...

You should check out "The Goose Girl" as well! Great read!!!

Cannwin said...

hmm, I've never heard of it,but I'm going to go dig around right now. :)

Cannwin said...

oooh... sounds good. I wonder how many Shannon Hale's book I can buy on EBay.

Jennifer said...

I love Book of a Thousand Days. Austenland I had a hard time getting into, but enjoyed by the end. Princess Academy is also pretty good. Goose Girl is great, although slow starting, I thought. Shannon Hale tends to have a strong theme of young people (especially girls) learning to take on their enemies, with the help of friends, while also learning to master their self-destructive weaknesses. I plan on letting my girls read these when they're older.


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