Wow. Excuse me for a moment - I have to fantasize.
One thing? I can only name one thing?
I don't know if I can only come up with one thing.
Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books said that she would like a room dedicated as a library, with floor to ceiling bookshelves on all the walls. I could handle living with a personal library. I think most of us could. I'll bet that's the run away answer for this week's question, in fact! Ooh - I can just imagine, sitting in my own personal library, surrounded by floor to ceiling books, with a big comfy chair, and perfect lighting. Throw in a good sound system, and I'd be in heaven!
Hopping by! Yes, personal library would be awesome! I picked something else.
Hope you come by and see my answer!
It's gotta be the runaway answer -- and it's mine, too!! :)
Here's my Hop: Coffee and a Book Chick -- Blog Hop...
Good sound system is a nice additional touch for sure.
Here is my answer.
Happy HOP! My bookish wish is to have my very own bookstore. I'd have all kind of fun things happening there and it'll give me some freedom to write :)
Hope you HOP by for a visit
I would love a personal library too!A gothic one!!
I am an old follower.
My Hop
Id like that too , I went with the classic girl answer- I saw these cute book cover clutches on a Kate Spade Website lol.
I thought I was already following but apparently not so Im now a follower
I want a library too. Happy weekend. My bookish wish involves a remodel. Here's what I'd do if I had the time and money.
Following the mechanical bunny around...
Anything bookish... A library at my fingertips at all times. Luckily I have my Nook :D
Sorry no post for hopping tonight but I have a new book review up.
Mad Scientist
A library would be a dream... but I'll settle for a bookshelf the kids can't destroy.
I'm doing my rounds for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday so I'm stopping to say say hello. :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
I'm an old follower.
just hopping by. have a great weekend.
My dream library is something I just knew I was not alone in dreaming!
Take a peek at my vision for yourself:
Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!
I'm with ya on that, a personal library!
mykozykorner.blogspot.com (my book blog)
Yes, I think you are correct in that most of us would like some type of reading room/library filled with what is important to us.
My full answer can be found here - I also have a giveaway going on.
Just hopping by to say Hi. If you havent already. Stop by and enter my book giveaways and my Poll.
See you next week
I want this library too...just in every room in my house!!! We can never have too many books, right??
Have fun hopping this weekend! :)
Just stopping by to share some Friday blog love! Have a great weekend!
A Trillian Books
You can link reviews of books with a Halloween theme on this week's Read My Paranormal Review
stopping by from the hop!
Yes, I could live with a personal library too. Especially if one of those old rolling ladders is involved :)
Hoppity hop hop hop :D I really love how you tie music into books. Great thematic idea!
I'm having a 50th follower milestone giveaway. Hope you'll check it out. Have a great Hallowe'en weekend :)
Hopping by from the hop! Guess we all want a library of our own! :)
Admittedly that is my answer too XD I mean, who *wouldn't* want that?!
New follower here!
Check out my Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE
Hi. Following you from the blog hop. I love your blog and I love the new blog hop you've started above. Although I don't have a wishlist post yet (maybe tomorrow) I'm still going to leave my link.
Next week I'll be prepared!
Hope you'll stop by--I have a Linky on my Saturday Reading Roundup for fellow bloggers' favorite or best posts of the week. Hope you'll post yours!
Becky (The Book Frog)
You are exactly right! That IS the runaway answer (although I'D simply be happy with having enough shelves for my books!)
Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
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