As promised last week, here at The Literary Soundtrack we thought we'd start our own bloghop. It's really simple to participate. Just add your link to the list, then write a short post on your blog about a book that's on your wish-list. Link back to this post, visit (and comment, please) some of the other participating bloggers, and you're done!
When I was a kid, the branch library near our house had a fantastic collection of children's books. One of my favorites was The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T.
It's two short stories, science fiction, about two very clever - but very unusual - law enforcement/secret agent types. One works with pigs (of the Porcine Interstellar Guard) to save human colonists on an alien world, the second agent uses, naturally, robots (of the Robot Obtrusion Battalion Omega Three) for a similar reason. It's silly, it's clever, it's a great introduction to Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat
Unfortunately, it's out of print (why is it most of my favorite childhood books are out of print? That's very annoying. I'd like to propose to all authors with out of print books that they make them available as ebooks so that those of us who want a copy can go buy one. Please?) but second copies are all over the place. I just have to get myself organized enough to sit down and buy one of them.
So, what's on your wish-list this week?
Book: The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T., Harry Harrison
1 comment:
I posted my link, even though I'm not quite within the letter of the law...I haven't a wish list post put together...yet.
But I'll be ready next week!
Becky (The Book Frog)
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