Hi! My name is Jennifer. I'm addicted to reading.
I just love this description of it from Raven Bower's media kit, though: "Author
Bailey Khane writes murder mysteries…given to her by ghosts of dead women. Little does she know that they were all slain by the same man."
Can you seriously read a description like that and not want to find out what happens once the killer realizes what's going on? Nightmares? Who cares? I want to know!
Tell us about Apparitions
Apparitions is a story about Bailey Khane - a woman struggling to come to grips with her gift, the ability to see the ghosts of murder victims. As she attempts to accept herself, she becomes next on the killer's list.When I wrote to you, you said that each story has its own soundtrack. What's the soundtrack for Apparition?
Each of my stories has its own song and sometimes an entire playlist of songs. Apparitions' theme song is Blue on BlackWhich comes first for you - the music or the story?by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Those who know Bailey and her story give it a listen and let me know what you think!
My fantasy works tend to have a larger play list because they have more characters and tend to be epics. Currently the one I'm working on has songs for each character - some for specific moments in their lives - as well as songs chosen that fit the world as a whole or certain places.
It depends on the story. Usually the story and main characters come first and then the music follows.Do you find music that fits the book as you go along?
Oh yes! Some of the time it comes from out of the blue. Just driving to town for grocery shopping and I'll hear a song that fits a certain character, story or place. Unfortunately DJs don't give song titles or artist's names like they used to, so I'll have to jot key words down and Google the lyrics when I get home :)Have you ever used music as a starting point?
Hmmm...as a starting point for a character yes. For a story not one that's currently being written. Though there's an 80's song that I loved and would really like to write a novel based off of it. But that's still at the brewing stage. Places and scenes in my work often are often inspired by songs though.Do you use the same music throughout the writing process?
Good question. Yes and no. Some songs get dated as characters grow and change. But others remain constant much like how old songs of our youth still appeal to us no matter how old we are.Do you ever find that the song that provides inspiration one day, is useless to you the next?
Yes...it's a little vexing, especially when you're searching for inspiration and can't find it in your regular places.What role does music play in your life when you aren't writing?
There's a time when I'm not writing? Tell me it isn't so! Seriously though, I'm always concocting things for writing so you could say music is a large part of that even if I'm not at my desk. I've been known to be cleaning the house to music, hear a song that makes a certain storyline 'click' and drop everything...rush off to the study and start jotting notes. I guess you could say it gets me into trouble when I'm actually supposed to be focusing on other stuff :)Wendigo, the sequel to Apparitions, will be coming out as an ebook January/February 2011, and in paperback April/May 2011.
Great. Now I have two scary books I'm going to have to read!
Book: Apparitions
Music: Blue on Black
I've never thought of you as someone who frightens easily. I think you're just sensibly sensitive in avoiding the "creepy". I've been reading real ghost stories as research (any excuse)
for that thing I'm working on and you have to wonder about some people. How much "creepy" would you put up with before you ran from a house? Not a whole lot would be my answer...unless you can't afford to move or you're too young to rent. There's this house in England, Dean Hall (or something) apparently the oldest continuously inhabited known house in Britain. It gave me the creeps just reading about it. If you offered to pay me a million to live in the front facing wing for a year...I'd say, "You keep your money...I'll keep my sanity...and we'll both be happy." One of the lesser creepy things that happens...if someone tries to put flowers in a vase (in the front facing wing) the flowers are found torn up all over the floor... Not the sign of an emotionally healthy ghost!
Can I?
I must be more chicken than you.
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