Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Strange Craving For Chocolate


Cannwin is in the middle of selling her house and getting ready to move her little family to another state. She is also participating in a several week long crafting contest.

Yes, I think she's crazy, too.

Something has to give! And that something will be The Literary Soundtrack. She isn't gone forever, but we won't be seeing her for a few weeks, and maybe even a few months, depending on how things go. Sorry, guys, you are going to be stuck with just my point of view for a while. If any of you are interested in doing a guest post, now's the time to jump up and yell, "ME, ME, PICK ME!!!" You can contact me through our very convenient contact form, if you are interested.

I am still getting my feet under me with this change, so bear with me for a while. Post frequency should pick up again pretty soon. Meanwhile, I wanted to share this video that I saw on Ilona Andrews' website. Very  funny, especially to fans of her Kate Daniels' series. There is music, which puts me kind of vaguely on topic with this post. Oh! and subliminal chocolate!

Magic Slays Parody Trailer


Cannwin said...

haha! Did you expect a face!?

Jennifer said...

Isn't that funny? I love it! :D


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