Monday, November 15, 2010

What Am I Reading Monday

I have an entire new list of books to read this week and no guilt whatsoever in reading them.

First, I've just started Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce (I really like her). Which is the second in her Beka Cooper Series... which is the fifth series set in her country of Tortall. Yes, I have read them all.

Then, once I'm done with that book I'm going to re-read Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce, because rereading a book is about as comforting as rewatching your favorite movie... except longer, and better.

(My favorite movie is Persuasion, if you were wondering.)

After I'm done with Trickster's Queen I'm going to pick up a book called Take Me Home by Brian Leung I received, free of charge, through Good Reads First Reads. I'll be doing a lovely review on it for all of you once I'm finished.

Then I'm going to go through withdrawals as I look for something else to fill my empty time with. Most likely I will growl at my children and snap at my husband and wander around with a lost look in my eyes until I find something else.

Oh, wait... I do have that pile of books I just bought from SFBC. Whew!

I'll have to tell you about them next week. :)

Books: Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce
            Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce
            Take Me Home by Brian Leung


Tracy said...

Those sound interesting. I hope for your families sake that they keep you busy!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Love to read a book again - glad to see you are doing it and you are inspiring me to cave in and do so as well.

Have a super week :)

Anonymous said...

I received for review "Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms" by Mark Whiteway from the author.

Teacher/Learner said...

I love re-reading books when I have a chance to. Lately it's been trying enough to make a dent in my TBR stacks :D

Jennifer said...

I have not read any of these so I will look forward to your reviews. Happy reading. My Monday:

Jaleh D said...

Hehe, you are so cute with your reading books. :D


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